Friday, 10 March 2017

The Elegance of Nordic Decor

Any enthusiast of lavish interior decors will be amazed on hearing that the elegance of Nordic design wasn’t recognized fully till 1950’s. But since that period, the minimalist design of Europeans has yielded acclaim to popular and notable Nordic designers who have amazed the world through their unique housewares and furnishings.
While other people may think of primary yellow and blue buildings of Ikea, there’s more to what Scandinavian design can offer. These chic and contemporary designs extend to countries including Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden –offering rich and eclectic tastes that personify this particular design characterized by functionality, minimalism and simplicity. 
Home Decor Online
Calm and muted color tones of cool grey, pale blue, cream and white seen in almost every Scandinavian interior has become like a the design’s trademark. These color schemes seem to be mimicked by only a few other interior designers around the globe. They are especially not very common with the minimalist designs of North America.  Whether you love interiors that are bright and bold, or a calmer serene quality, Scandinavian styles makes it possible for you to achieve your preference distinctly.
Scandinavian Design Styles

Another very common feature of the Nordic designs is the absence of carpets. Nordic designers seem to prefer the inclusion of a modest white wood floor. The reason why this is common with Nordic homes is that the rooms seem to be more open, clean, and airy and draw just the right amount of attention to the craftsmanship of the furnishing and architecture. Even in the event that it’s not a white wood floor, the flooring still has a light color, made from pine, birch wood or cool grey tiles. There could be sheepskin rugs on the floor as well instead of extensive carpets.
sheepskin rugs
Lighting is also an essential part of the Scandinavian designs. But they just achieve it in a different style – large windows running from floor to the ceiling and simple but elegant lamps
elegant lamps

Last but not least, Nordics have an enthusiastic love for nature. They take each possible chance to experience the outdoor splendor. But during the winters or cold weathers, Scandinavian designs have sort of natural views from their rooms.
Scandinavian design store
Are you a Nordic design enthusiast? Seize this opportunity to share your most favorite designs with we us. Click here to find more stunning Nordic design accessories!

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